Thursday, May 22, 2008

Heels or Wheels?

Being an ex dancer, wearing heels was the norm, they made us look sexy and was great for our calves, but I don't know.. running around in heels as a receptionist is not an option, but wheels? hmmm..
So I got me a pair of those Heelys, you know, the sneakers with the wheels on the bottom of the heels?..
I pictured myself gliding by clients as I went from one end of the Salon to the other..
Yeah, like I can glide. NOT..
How come the kids make it look so easy? I can't even lift my toes up so the heels can move, cuz I'm afraid of falling... Oh well, I guess for now running around in plain sneakers isn't all that bad.
But, mark my words! I haven't given up!


Brett A. Snodgrass said...

Somehow I think you'd look sexy in regular roller-skates.

Artemis said...

you think so? regular roller skates I can do..