Friday, October 31, 2008

Seven things about myself. . .

Just like my friend said about his friend, Mo, 'Only cuz it's you that I'm doing this.'
7 facts about me:

1. I tell it like it is.

2. If I get stressed I listen to music, read or draw, oh yeah, or ride my bike.

3. I started the first union for topless dancers in America in 93.

4. A fear I have is saying something I'd regret.

5. I'm too analytical

6. I'm not allergic to giraffs, but to fragrance counters in Malls.

7. I communicate with people who have passed.

Man, that was tuff*

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


two... that's all

Friday, June 13, 2008

Just call me Jackie..

Well, if I was a guy it would be, Jack, for Jack of all trades..
But I'm not, so it's Jackie.. (or Lucy, cuz sometimes I'm a little Lucee)

I've been dueling it between the Salon and Cafe, running the Salon and bussing tables, being a dishwasher, plus serving tables when needed in the cafe,...
Makes for long sore days..
Dang it if I'm not a little worn out.. But it's good, cuz business has picked up and man, do we need it!
Opening a new business in today's market for some would be a discouraging, but not for my sister... She saw the vision and went for it..
Now with gas, food and mortgages sucking up everyone's money, I'm grateful for the sore muscles.
So until we can afford to hire more employees, it's mainly just her and me doing what it takes.
I think I'll have a beer..
Here's to anyone with a dream that goes for it, against all the
obstacles that try to squash it over and over, but never giving up, till one day. . .

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

writing zone..

This past weekend was great. I wrote some wicked awesome scenes in my
screenplay.. Up to page 55. Can't wait till this weekend!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

guys and gals

I got this friend who's a talented fella and my main squeeze. I find myself very happy being with him.
If you've ever wondered what makes a relationship, just look around at the one's you're friends have that aren't working, and don't do what they do.

After being married 10 years and getting divorced in 96, I felt no need to ever give up my identity again. Ever.

Marriages and relationships more times than not have too many miserable
moments because of the, "You're mine now, I own you factor. Why can't you do what I tell you to do."
Just writing it gives me the heeby-geebies..

Though I'll never get married again, (I say that with a very positive emotion)
I've given this relationship thing another try, while staying true to myself.

My advise?

Be friends first.
Really, treat them like you do your best friend.. (no nagging)
Take breaks from each other to stay true to yourself.
Keep doing what makes you happy.
Share your happiness.
Be secure in yourself and you'll find all this very easy.

Don't try to own and micro manage their days.
Not let them have their own friends and time away from you..
Can you imagine doing that to your friends?

Anyway, it works for me.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Heels or Wheels?

Being an ex dancer, wearing heels was the norm, they made us look sexy and was great for our calves, but I don't know.. running around in heels as a receptionist is not an option, but wheels? hmmm..
So I got me a pair of those Heelys, you know, the sneakers with the wheels on the bottom of the heels?..
I pictured myself gliding by clients as I went from one end of the Salon to the other..
Yeah, like I can glide. NOT..
How come the kids make it look so easy? I can't even lift my toes up so the heels can move, cuz I'm afraid of falling... Oh well, I guess for now running around in plain sneakers isn't all that bad.
But, mark my words! I haven't given up!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Little Black Sheep's Past and Present

I should confess that I'm not "just" a receptionist.
It's a family owned Salon and I'm family.
I don't just answer the phone, I keep things running smoothly or as smooth as possible. (geesh, that's an understatement.)

Now before I start this blogging journey, I should also mention my past.
I was what they loving refer to as a stripper. 11 years of men's fascination and fantasies. The family's little black sheep of embarrassment.
I think it'd be more interesting to talk about both, since it's who I am and not at all embarrassed about.
I was damn good.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Life as a hair traffic controller in a beauty salon is much different than other receptionists you may be familiar with....
Maybe it's just me?