Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Skinny on it..

I find eating such a waste of time. Now don't get me wrong, I do eat, but only
because my body makes me.
Funny coming from an ex-cook. Those were my skinniest days.. Had no time to eat!

And I do find having dinner with friend(s) delightful..
To me, that's the only time eating is enjoyable.
It's the day to day stop, chew and swallow that I don't have time for.
How do people do it all day long?

My first meal consists of old fashion oatmeal...
Yeah, yeah, it's good for you and for me, it's easy to inhale. I eat it 5 days a week at work around noon. My days off, I skip it completely.
Lunch is lunch- soup and sandwich, something that'll fill me up. (like the oatmeal does)
Lately, I've been having hotdogs for dinner when I get home.
I have plenty of food in the fridge, hotdogs just seem to be quick to cook and swallow.

I was thinking about this as I cooked up some chicken (organic- that's another blog) with
some mash potatoes. And thought, Well, I'm doing really nothing today... but eating still disrupts my relaxation.

I'm full now.

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